CRank: 5Score: 49820

It'll be awful fun,and then in 4.5 months it's RE5 time for either system...It's the type of game that will give you that extra fun,a perfect rental,a game you play in-between the bigger better games.

Just another example of why owning both systems is a perfect World,if it's at all possible for you...I will think this everytime I switch from playing Gears 2 to LBP...The best of both Worlds...

5705d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bubbles for you Lord Vader,thanks for the help...

5708d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sorry for my ignorance,but can anyone tell me if Horde mode has more than 1 map? I know of the 50 waves,but is that for 1 map,or are their more maps and 50 waves for each.Thanks ....

Either way,game looks great.This and LBP is almost too good to be true...

5708d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think it's all about Sony wanting to increase PS3 Eye sales.

I think Alex Evans mentioned by Christmas,but they quickly put a gag on it.Wanting to get as many eyes sold until they finally do allow for the "image import tool"...

If you have followed Alex Evans and MM (LBP) from day 1 back at GDC 07" you will know that he is all about options...

They don't want to say more for now,they want sales,then after the Christmas rush you wil...

5709d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think that this site is trying to make a name for themselves by going a little extra low...

I think that some people like this news,you know,the poor souls that cannot afford a PS3...They now can fool themselves into feeling they are not missing out on anything.

Anybody that gives games like LBP or Gears 2 less than a 9 should not be playing games and or writing reviews...

5712d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And I just bought a PS3 Eye for importing images,Oh well....LOL!

I cannot express how important this is to me. I have been doing texture work for 20 years now,and I cringe at lo rez textures.This was the one sour thing about LBP to me.HI REZ textures is vital to my creations,and being a eye candy fiend this makes me very happy.Your creations can have their own originality and allow user to create even more unique looks to their work that stand apart from others.Less generic in ...

5712d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Having a few extra "modifier" tools would be extra nice.Like the the ones you get in Max & Maya,etc,etc...A bend,twist,taper for example.But you can work around this if you are willing and creative enough...

I would still hope for real time water,gravity,and what ever happened to "ice"?

Well we shall see what they do come up with in the future.As for now...GOTY for me.When I saw this for the very first time at GDC 07' I just knew this was ...

5715d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Anybody that gives LBP or Gears 2 less then a 9.5 should be flogged...

5720d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

This review seemed to be nothing but a "rehashed" everything we all already know about the game. In no way is this "up-start" came from no where site getting the first stab at a review of this incredible game.

Anyways,it's not too far fetched to quess that this game has block-buster written all over it. Titles like this and LBP for example are a rare breed,as special as they come....

5720d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yup me too.Lets hope for the best...

5720d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I play Bomberman on the X360,and it's just crazy good. I thought I just read something about Bomberman coming to PSN? Perhaps someone can verify this?...

5720d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just bring exclusives like LBP,Resistence 2 and future exclusives like Killzone 2,Infamous,Ratchet and clanks next game,God of War 3,Team Ico's next game,Uncharted 2 and "hopefully" the next Jax game,along with other higher end multi-plat games and all will be well.In the end it's all about the games...

5720d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Their are another 30+ sites that have given LBP very high ratings,it's actually above 96% from what I last heard.These seem to have been overlooked...A update is way overdue...

For example Edge magazine just gave LBP a 10. Anyways,not knocking World of GOO,it looks real good,interesting,but LBP should get a fair shake...

5726d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

A well deserved score,for a brilliant innovative,and stylish game...

As for highest scores? My bet is that LBP may just get the highest scores right along with Gears 2...Two totally different games on different systems,but for my 2 cents,the two best games coming this Fall...

5731d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am a major fan of Gears of War,cannot wait to play it.But........LBP has me more excited then any game I can remember,as excited as my all time favorite series ODDWORLD...

5733d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have a question to anyone in the know...Lot's of bubbles for any help.

To anyone that has used the PSEYE camera in the beta,how is it in capturing textures,and then using them in LBP. Do the 640 rez shots hold up when taking shots from very hi rez textures? By just taking a portion of a hi rez shot,does the shot hold up,or is it too blurry?

Thanks for any advice or help.

5733d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Stylish and slick....

Illustrative art sure working at it's best with this game...

I cannot wait to play it!

5736d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The article mentions that you should try and imagine running through games like Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, or Jak and Daxter, from an entirely first person perspective...??? Perhaps it works for this game,but for me at least,I like my Jax,Drake and ratchet in 3rd person,thanks very much...

For me at least,I would have loved to see "at least an option for third person views"...

Game looks interesting,and has it's appeal,and eventually I am sure I wil...

5737d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You called it perfectly as far as I am concerned.....Bubbles for you...

BBC Game and Team Ico Game!!! Plus Kingdom Hearts 3,WOW! Plus another couple new IP's and throw in Dark cloud 3 and that would be off the charts amazing.

I would also hope for a "beyond good and evil 2 sighting.

Hopefully some of these will actually be there...Keep you're fingers crossed...

5740d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

IN a perfect World they will be showing a new Trico game that mixs the best of what we got from both ICO and SOTC...

Beyond good and Evil 2,and Jax 4 would be fantastic,but this being a Japanese show,it's doubtful,but one can hope....

5743d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment